
the importance of culture in carbon forestry in timor-leste

importansia kultura ba kuda ai hun ba Kréditu Karbonu

about the filmI

In Timor-Leste’s Matebian mountain range, farmers participating in the Baguia region’s Ho Musan Ida carbon forestry program grow trees to sell carbon credits to the international market. The reforestation initiative is locally founded and controlled. It is built upon lisan, the deep social relationships people have with each other, their environment and their ancestors.


Iha Timor-Leste nia area foho Matebian, to’os nain sira ne’be partisipa iha rejiaun Baucau nia programa kudai ai-hun ba kreditu karbonu, kuda ai-hun hodi fa’an kreditu karbonu ba merkadu internasional. Programa kuda fila fali ai-hun (reflorestasaun) mak inisiativa lokal ne’be komunidade hari’i no kontrola. Inisiativa ne’e nia abut iha lisan, relasaun sosial klean entre ema, meiu ambiente no beiala sira.


Producers - Lisa Palmer and Seth Keen

  • Director, camera, audio - Lisa Palmer

  • Cultural consultant — Emilio Guterres de Oliveira and Leopoldina Guterres

  • Research contributors - Sue Jackson, Susanna Barnes, Hortencio Pedro Viera and Lesley Head

  • Editors— Seth Keen, Cormac Mills Ritchard, Lisa Palmer

  • Drone operator - Zeca Mok

  • Sound mix - Johnsen Cummings

  • Production Assistant - Kiku Moniz

  • Tetun translation - Lisa Palmer

    Makasae translation - Quintiliano Mok

    The making of Lisan was financially supported by the University of Melbourne, Griffith University, RMIT University and by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Project Funding Scheme (DP190100875)